import processing.serial.*; // Changer ici les valeurs par les dimensions en pixel du moniteur : int largeur_ecran = 1600; int hauteur_ecran = 900; // The serial port: Serial myPort; boolean style = true; int ventilo_value = 10; int switch_timer = 0; int score_counter = 0; float[] scores = { 0, 0, 0 }; Camera c; Player p; PipeSet[] ps; // Mettre ici aussi la largeur de l'écran : static final int NUMPIPES = 1600; int numPipes; int vitesse=2; // vitesse d'avancement static final int GAMEOVER = 1; static final int GAME = 0; int gameState; int inByte = 0; boolean pouet; int time = 10000; boolean is_communicating = false; boolean direction = false; int timer = 0; int timer_max = 10; int[] bird_life = { -5, 0 }; int previous_y = 0; int largeur_piaf = 30; boolean score = true; boolean is_value = false; void setup() { // List all the available serial ports: printArray(Serial.list()); // Open the port you are using at the rate you want: //myPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[5], 9600); fullScreen(); //size(1200, 640); initGame(); } void draw() { inByte =; println(inByte); if ( is_value == false ) { if ( inByte != - 1 && inByte != 1 ) { is_value = true; time = 0; } } else { time += 1; if ( inByte == - 1 || inByte == 1 ) { is_value = false; } } switch(gameState) { case 1: background(0); textSize(130); textAlign(CENTER); fill(255); textSize(30); if ( score ) { if ( (p.diametre*p.pos.x)/10000000 > scores[0] ) { scores[2] = scores[1]; scores[1] = scores[0]; scores[0] = p.diametre*p.pos.x/10000000; } else if ( (p.diametre*p.pos.x)/10000000 > scores[1] ) { scores[2] = scores[1]; scores[1] = p.diametre*p.pos.x/10000000; } else if ( (p.diametre*p.pos.x)/10000000 > scores[2] ) { scores[2] = p.diametre*p.pos.x/10000000; } score = false; } textSize(45); text("1st : " + scores[0], 250, 110 ); textSize(35); text("2nd : " + scores[1], 200, 160 ); textSize(25); text("3rd : " + scores[2], 150, 210 ); pouet = false; if ( score_counter < 300 ) { score_counter += 1; } else { score_counter = 0; score = true; pouet = true; } if ( (p.diametre*p.pos.x)/10000000 > 1.4 ) { textSize(45); text("Score : " + (p.diametre*p.pos.x)/10000000 + " BTC", width/2-textWidth("score")/2, height/2+150); text("'POPOPOP !'", width/2-textWidth("POPOPOP !")/2, height/2-32); textSize(20); text("Bravo ! En tant que nouveau riche,\nnous vous offrons ce moment de détente.", width/2, height/2+200); style = false; } else { style = true; textSize(55); text("'POP !'", width/2-textWidth("POP !")/2, height/2-32); text("Score : " + (p.diametre*p.pos.x)/10000000 + " BTC", width/2-textWidth("score")/2, height/2+150); } if (keyPressed || pouet) { if (key == 'N'|| key=='n' || pouet ){ initGame(); gameState = 0; } } break; case 0: if (keyPressed) { if (key == 'S'|| key=='s'){ if ( switch_timer == 0 ) { switch_timer = 20; if ( style ) { style = false; } else { style = true; } } } } if ( switch_timer > 0 ) { switch_timer -= 1; } if ( style ) { drawBG(); } else { background( 180, 210, 250 ); } fill(0, 255, 0); translate(-c.pos.x, -c.pos.y); if ( style ) { p.draw(c); } drawPipes(); c.draw(); if ( style == false ) { p.draw(c); } translate(c.pos.x, c.pos.y); //drawFG(); drawGUI(); if (p.pos.y > height - 120) gameState = GAMEOVER; break; } } void initGame() { gameState = 0; ps = new PipeSet[NUMPIPES]; c = new Camera(); p = new Player(); makePipes(); } void drawBG() { // dessin du fond background(0, 0, 0); // quadrillage du fond stroke(255); for (int i=10;i400) y = ps[i].pos.y + random(-50,0); // y = random(100, 400); if(h>0)h--;// = 200;// random(100, 200); // random(50,75); // resserrage du tuyau ! x += ps[i].bWidth; } } void drawPipes() { for (int i = 0; i < NUMPIPES; i++) { if (PVector.dist(p.pos, ps[i].pos) < NUMPIPES) ps[i].draw(); if (p.pos.x > ps[i].pos.x && p.pos.x < ps[i].pos.x + ps[i].bWidth && p.pos.y > ps[i].pos.y && p.pos.y < ps[i].pos.y + ps[i].bHeight) // test de collisision, actuellement jus le centre de la boule, a voir en rajoutant p.diametre { if (!ps[i].scored) p.score++; ps[i].scored = true; } if (p.pos.x > ps[i].pos.x && p.pos.x < ps[i].pos.x + ps[i].bWidth && (p.pos.y < ps[i].pos.y || p.pos.y > ps[i].pos.y + ps[i].bHeight)) gameState = GAMEOVER; } } void drawGUI() { textSize(18); fill(0); //text("Distance: " + (int)(p.pos.x/100), 0, height - 40); textAlign(RIGHT); if ( style ) { text("Score: " , 800, height - 20); textAlign(LEFT); text(p.diametre/p.pos.x +"BTC" , 800, height - 20); //p.score = p.diametre/p.pos.x a utiliser pour un hight score! } } class Camera { PVector pos; //Camera's position //The Camera should sit in the top left of the window Camera() { pos = new PVector(0, 0); //You should play with the program and code to see how the staring position can be changed } void draw() { pos.x+=2; } } class PipeSet { PVector pos; float bHeight, bWidth,c1Pipe,c2Pipe,c3Pipe; boolean scored; int graphisme = int( random( 256 ) ); int color_random = int( random( 150 ) ); color base_color, shadow_color; PipeSet(float x, float y, float h) { pos = new PVector(x, y); bHeight = h; bWidth = 50; // largeur , des tuyaux c1Pipe=51+random(-20,20); // test de couleur aleatoire pour les tuyaux c2Pipe= 133+random(-20,20); c3Pipe= 255; base_color = color(255 - color_random, 255 - color_random, 204 - color_random ); shadow_color = color(205 - color_random, 205 - color_random, 154 - color_random ); scored = false; } void draw() { drawPipes(); } void drawPipes() { // les dessins des obstacle ( les barre sont de la decos, les ligne sont les limites de la cave) if ( style ) { // barres noStroke(); fill(c1Pipe, c2Pipe, c3Pipe,200); // opacitée rect(pos.x, 0, bWidth, pos.y-random(-20,80));// rectangle du haut //fill(204, 204, 255); rect(pos.x, pos.y+bHeight+random(-30,80), bWidth, height); // rectangle du bas + test random , effet cool ! // strokeWeight(10); strokeCap(ROUND); stroke(0,255,0); fill(0,255,0); strokeWeight(5); line(pos.x, pos.y, pos.x+bWidth, pos.y); text(pos.y,pos.x,pos.y-3); stroke(255,0,0); fill(255,0,0); line(pos.x,pos.y+bHeight,pos.x+bWidth,pos.y+bHeight); text(pos.y+bHeight,pos.x,pos.y+bHeight+16); noStroke(); strokeWeight(1); } PVector top_collision = new PVector( pos.x,pos.y-largeur_piaf/2 ); PVector bottom_collision = new PVector( pos.x,pos.y+bHeight+largeur_piaf/2 ); if ( style == false ) { draw_a_sublime_house( bottom_collision, 50, base_color, shadow_color, graphisme ); draw_wires( top_collision, 50, previous_y ); previous_y = int(pos.y);} } } class Player { PVector pos; float score; int diametre; Player() { score = 0; diametre=30;//diametre de l'inflation pos = new PVector(100, 100); } void inflate(int i){ // methode pour gonfler le ballon diametre+=i; } void draw(Camera c) { // le controle du mouvement drawBird(); if ( ( inByte != - 1 && inByte != 1 ) || (keyPressed) ) { pos.y-=2.5; p.inflate(1); } pos.y += 2; // vitesse de descente pos.x += vitesse; // vitesse de scroling joueur } void drawBird() { // l'avatar ! if ( style ) { fill(214, 189, 47); noStroke(); ellipse(pos.x, pos.y, p.diametre, p.diametre); // juste un rond ! stroke(255); strokeWeight(1); line(pos.x+p.diametre/2.61,pos.y+p.diametre/2.61,pos.x,pos.y); line(pos.x+p.diametre/2.61,pos.y+p.diametre/2.61,pos.x+10+p.diametre/2.61,pos.y+p.diametre/2.61); text(p.diametre,pos.x+10+p.diametre/2.61,pos.y+5+p.diametre/2.61); } if ( style == false ) { update_bird_life( bird_life ); draw_the_amazing_bird( pos, bird_life ); } } } // Addition des fonctiions par Simon : void draw_the_amazing_bird( PVector pos, int[] bird_life ) { //println( bird_life[0] ); float pos_x = pos.x; float pos_y = pos.y; noStroke(); //stroke( 255 ); fill(0, 204, 0); triangle( pos_x + 25, pos_y - 10, pos_x + 13, pos_y - 20, pos_x + 15, pos_y - 10); // Attention madame, c'est un punk ! fill(255, 204, 0); triangle( pos_x + 20, pos_y - 10, pos_x + 3, pos_y - 23, pos_x + 10, pos_y - 10); fill(102, 153, 255); triangle( pos_x + 5, pos_y - 10, pos_x - 7, pos_y - 27, pos_x + 15, pos_y - 10); fill(255, 104, 0); triangle( pos_x + 28, pos_y, pos_x + 40, pos_y + 5, pos_x + 15, pos_y + 10); // Le badubek. fill(255, 204, 0); triangle( pos_x + 25, pos_y - 5, pos_x + 45, pos_y, pos_x + 25, pos_y + 5); // Le odubek. fill( 55, 0, 205 ); ellipse( pos_x - 50, pos_y - 15, 40, 8 ); // Plume première. triangle( pos_x - 50, pos_y - 11, pos_x - 50, pos_y - 19, pos_x - 105, pos_y - 15 ); fill( 155, 0, 225 ); ellipse( pos_x - 40, pos_y - 10, 35, 8 ); // Plume seconde. triangle( pos_x - 40, pos_y - 6, pos_x - 50, pos_y - 14, pos_x - 85, pos_y - 10 ); fill( 255, 0, 255 ); ellipse( pos_x - 30, pos_y - 5, 30, 8 ); // Plume dernière. triangle( pos_x - 30, pos_y - 1, pos_x - 30, pos_y - 9, pos_x - 65, pos_y - 5 ); fill(204, 0, 204); ellipse( pos_x, pos_y, 60, 30 ); // Le corps ! fill(234, 0, 234); ellipse( pos_x + 5, pos_y - 2, 55, 26 ); // Et puis son fabuleux dégradé ! noStroke(); fill( 255 ); ellipse( pos_x + 25, pos_y - 5, 7, 7 ); fill( 0 ); ellipse( pos_x + 29, pos_y - 5, 4, 4 ); fill(155, 0, 55); ellipse( pos_x - 5, pos_y - bird_life[0], 35, 8 ); // Plume première. fill( 205, 0, 25 ); ellipse( pos_x - 10 - 2 * bird_life[0], pos_y - 2 * bird_life[0], 35, 8 ); // Plume seconde. triangle( pos_x - 10 - 2 * bird_life[0], pos_y - 2 * bird_life[0] - 4, pos_x - 10 - 4 * bird_life[0], pos_y - 2 * bird_life[0] + 4, pos_x - 40 - 4 * bird_life[0], pos_y - 2 * bird_life[0] ); fill( 155, 0, 0 ); ellipse( pos_x - 20 - 4 * bird_life[0], pos_y - 3 * bird_life[0], 35, 8 ); // Plume dernière. triangle( pos_x - 20 - 4 * bird_life[0], pos_y - 3 * bird_life[0] - 4, pos_x - 20 - 4 * bird_life[0], pos_y - 3 * bird_life[0] + 4, pos_x - 60 - 4 * bird_life[0], pos_y - 3 * bird_life[0] ); } int[] update_bird_life( int[] bird_life ) { if ( bird_life[1] == 0 ) { if ( bird_life[0] < 5 ) { bird_life[0]++; } else { bird_life[1] = 1; } } else { if ( bird_life[0] > -5 ) { bird_life[0]--; } else { bird_life[1] = 0; } } return bird_life; } void draw_a_sublime_house( PVector pos, int house_width, color base_color, color shadow_color, int graphisme ) { noStroke(); fill( base_color ); rect( pos.x + 1, pos.y, house_width - 2, hauteur_ecran - pos.y ); // La façade. C'est un rectangle. Un jour nous habiterons tous des maisons rondes. Mais non j'rigole. fill( shadow_color ); triangle( pos.x + 2, pos.y + 4, pos.x + house_width - 2, pos.y + 4, pos.x + house_width - 2, hauteur_ecran ); if ( graphisme % 6 == 0 ) { for ( int degrade_magnifique = 0; degrade_magnifique < 40; degrade_magnifique++ ) { if ( degrade_magnifique < 37 ) { fill( 55 + degrade_magnifique * 5, 0, 0 ); } else if ( degrade_magnifique < 39 ) { fill(0); } else { fill( shadow_color ); } for ( int i = 0; i * 10 < house_width; i++ ) { ellipse( pos.x + 5 + i * 10, pos.y + degrade_magnifique - 35, 10, 10 ); } } } else { fill( shadow_color ); rect( pos.x, pos.y - 40, house_width, 40 ); fill( base_color ); rect( pos.x + 2, pos.y - 38, house_width - 4, 36 ); } if ( graphisme % 7 == 0 ) { stroke( 50 + ( graphisme % 7 ) * 5 ); for ( int i = 0; i * 7 < hauteur_ecran - pos.y; i++ ) { line( pos.x + 1, pos.y + 7 * i, pos.x + house_width - 2, pos.y + 7 * i ); } } stroke( 255, 0, 0 ); //line( pos.x, pos.y, pos.x + house_width, pos.y ); // Début de la hitbox ! Décommenter si besoin. if ( graphisme % 5 == 0 ) { for ( int i = 0; i < 5*3; i++ ) { PVector window_pos = new PVector( pos.x + 5 + ( i % 3 ) * 16, pos.y + 15 + 24 * ( ( i - i % 3 ) / 3 ) ); draw_a_window_please( window_pos ); } } else if ( graphisme % 4 == 0 ) { for ( int i = 0; i < graphisme % 7; i++ ) { noStroke(); fill(128, 64, 0); rect( pos.x + 5, pos.y + 25 + i * 25, house_width - 10, 15 ); fill(204, 136, 0); triangle( pos.x + 5, pos.y + 40 + i * 25, pos.x + house_width - 5, pos.y + 25 + i * 25, pos.x + house_width - 5, pos.y + 40 + i * 25 ); fill( 235 ); rect( pos.x + 8, pos.y + 28 + i * 25, house_width - 16, 9 ); fill(153, 204, 255); triangle( pos.x + 10, pos.y + 37 + i * 25, pos.x + house_width - 8, pos.y + 29 + i * 25, pos.x + house_width - 8, pos.y + 37 + i * 25 ); } } } void draw_a_window_please( PVector pos ) { stroke( 0 ); fill( 255 ); rect( pos.x, pos.y, 8, 12 ); fill(153, 204, 255); triangle( pos.x + 8, pos.y, pos.x + 8, pos.y + 12, pos.x, pos.y + 12 ); line( pos.x, pos.y, pos.x, pos.y + 12 ); //line( pos.x, pos.y + 6, pos.x + 6, pos.y + 6 ); line( pos.x + 4, pos.y, pos.x + 4, pos.y + 12 ); line( pos.x + 8, pos.y, pos.x + 8, pos.y + 12 ); stroke(204, 102, 0); line( pos.x - 1, pos.y - 1, pos.x + 9, pos.y - 1 ); line( pos.x + 1, pos.y + 11, pos.x + 7, pos.y + 11 ); } void draw_wires( PVector pos, int wire_width, int previous_y ) { stroke(0); for ( int i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) { line( pos.x, pos.y - i * 3, pos.x + wire_width - 18, pos.y - 2 - i * 3 ); } noStroke(); fill( 100 ); rect( pos.x + wire_width - 12, pos.y - 5, 2, 8 ); rect( pos.x + wire_width - 18, pos.y - 22, 6, 25 ); fill( 130 ); ellipse( pos.x + wire_width - 15, pos.y - 22, 6, 6 ); fill(128, 64, 0); rect( pos.x + wire_width - 10, 0, 10, pos.y + 3 ); ellipse( pos.x + wire_width - 5, pos.y + 3, 10, 5 ); stroke(204, 136, 0); line( pos.x + wire_width - 8, 0, pos.x + wire_width - 8, pos.y - 35 ); line( pos.x + wire_width - 6, 53, pos.x + wire_width - 6, pos.y - 350 ); line( pos.x + wire_width - 6, pos.y - 53, pos.x + wire_width - 6, pos.y - 17 ); line( pos.x + wire_width - 6, pos.y - 253, pos.x + wire_width - 6, pos.y - 147 ); line( pos.x + wire_width - 3, pos.y - 222, pos.x + wire_width - 3, pos.y ); line( pos.x + wire_width - 3, pos.y - 422, pos.x + wire_width - 3, pos.y - 375 ); line( pos.x + wire_width - 1, 12, pos.x + wire_width - 1, 44 ); if ( previous_y - 20 < pos.y ) { noStroke(); fill( 80 ); rect( pos.x, previous_y - 20, 4, pos.y - previous_y + 20 ); ellipse( pos.x + 2, pos.y, 4, 4 ); fill( 130 ); ellipse( pos.x + 2, previous_y - 20, 4, 4 ); } }