Importer video dans gimp

De Centre de Ressources Numériques - Labomedia
Révision de 12 décembre 2014 à 10:16 par Serge (discussion | contributions) (Ou encore)

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Grâce à cette petite ligne de commande :

Il faut télécharger ffmeg qui n'est plus disponible dans les paquets depuis le fork vers libAv.
Il faut donc installer ce petit ppa :

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jon-severinsson/ffmpeg


ffmpeg -i nomdufichier.mp4 -t 10 -ss 00:02:09 image-%d.jpeg^C

Cette ligne de code a été trouvée là :

-i = titre de la vidéo
-t = durée de la captation
-ss = début de de captation (00:00:00 = heure:minute:seconde)
image-%d.jpeg = nom des images qui vont être crées.

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A traduire en français.
Ce tuto eplique comment fabriquer un gif animé à partir d'une vidéo

- Download the Video File.
- Download and install the Gimp files for your operating system. Install the main program first and then the Animation Package second.
- Go to Xtns > Split Video Into Frames > Extract Videorange.
- On the next screen, browse for the video file that you saved and select the button that says Video Range.
- Select the frames that you want in the gif. Mine was from frame 1 to frame 62. Then check the Loop and Play Selection Only boxes.
You can test this with the Start Playback Button. When you are satisfied with the frames, select the Ok button. The program will then take a couple of seconds extracting the audio and video.
- Go to Video > Frames to Image and set the From Frames and To Frames to the numbers you selected earlier. In my case, this would be 1 and 62.
- Go to Video > Frames Scale. This will set the size. Make it as small as possible because the animated gif file can be really large.
- Go to File > Save As and make sure to select .gif as the file extension.
- The next screen will ask you to export. Change the first option to animation and leave the other option on indexed rather than changing to grayscale . Then Save.

And here is the animated gif I created from the above video clip