Raspberry Pi rt-kernel

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Révision de 7 décembre 2016 à 08:42 par Guillaume (discussion | contributions) (CCRMA Satellite pi2)

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Compiler/tester un noyau temps-réel audio sur raspberry pi2

Test de latence du noyau

  • Setup : raspi2 + qjackctl 0.3.9 + sooperlooper 1.6.18 + carte son xenyx 302USB behringer

Outils de test

Connaitre les réglages actuel du noyau

zcat /proc/config.gz > ~/config

si il n'y à pas de fichier de configuration

sudo modprobe configs


scripts qui permettent de connaitre la configuration du kernel

git clone git://github.com/raboof/realtimeconfigquickscan.git
cd realtimeconfigquickscan
perl ./realTimeConfigQuickScan.pl


Tester les performances temps réel

git clone git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/clrkwllms/rt-tests.git 
cd rt-tests
make all
sudo cp ./cyclictest /usr/bin/
cd ~
sudo cyclictest -l1000000 -m -n -a0 -t1 -p99 -i400 -h400 -q

ou tester chaque coeurs

sudo cyclictest -a -t -n -p99

Les résultats sont en microsecondes

  • source


CCRMA Satellite pi2



CCRMA Satellite (une distribution créer pour faire de l'audio)

  • copier l'image su la carte sd
sudo dd if=/home/blablabla/SatelliteCCRMA_Rpi2_v1.03.dd of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=4096
  • login et mot de passe
login : ccrma
mp : temppwd
  • arrêter les scripts par défaults
sudo rm /etc/default/randomsound
sudo rm /etc/init.d/randomsound
sudo /home/ccrma/bin/disable-flash-writes
  • relancer le système
sudo reboot
  • lancer x

Alors quoi?

  • test avec la carte son scarlett 2i2 : il faut modifier le fichier /boot/cmdline.txt et ajouter


  • test avec behringer xenyx302USB

pas de soucis de latence avec jack jusqu'à 48KHz, 128 échantillons : 5.33ms

Test de copie du kernel

Le coté audio de cette distribution étant plutôt satisfaisant, mais la surcouche concernant la protection en écriture et les scripts inutiles donnent envie de récupérer le kernel sur une distribution plus basique.

Copie de /boot/kernel7.img 
Copie de /boot/bcm2709-rpi-2-b.dtb 
Copie de cmdline.txt
Copie de config.txt
sudo apt-get install cpufrequtils

modifier rc.local

cpufreq-set -g performance
swapoff -a



ccrma@satellite ~/Desktop/realtime $ cat /proc/version 
Linux version 3.18.11-v7+ (dc4@dc4-XPS13-9333) (gcc version 4.8.3 20140303 (prerelease) (crosstool-NG linaro-1.13.1+bzr2650 - Linaro GCC 2014.03) ) #781 SMP PREEMPT Tue Apr 21 18:07:59 BST 2015


Test avec SooperLooper 3 pistes, jack : 128 échantillons, 44100 Hz, 3 périodes/tampon

ccrma@satellite ~ $ sudo cyclictest -a -t -n -p99
# /dev/cpu_dma_latency set to 0us
policy: fifo: loadavg: 0.78 0.45 0.24 4/220 4238          

T: 0 ( 4079) P:99 I:1000 C: 348228 Min:     10 Act:   26 Avg:   22 Max:     749
T: 1 ( 4080) P:99 I:1500 C: 232139 Min:      9 Act:   26 Avg:   19 Max:     205
T: 2 ( 4081) P:99 I:2000 C: 174114 Min:      9 Act:   38 Avg:   18 Max:     153
T: 3 ( 4082) P:99 I:2500 C: 139291 Min:      9 Act:   39 Avg:   20 Max:     717


ccrma@satellite ~/Desktop/realtime $ perl ./realTimeConfigQuickScan.pl 
== GUI-enabled checks ==
Checking if you are root... no - good
Checking filesystem 'noatime' parameter... 3.18.11 kernel - good
(relatime is default since 2.6.30)
Checking CPU Governors... CPU 0: 'performance' CPU 1: 'performance' CPU 2: 'performance' CPU 3: 'performance'  - good
Checking swappiness... 1 - good
Checking for resource-intensive background processes... none found - good
Checking checking sysctl inotify max_user_watches... < 524288 - not good
increase max_user_watches by adding 'fs.inotify.max_user_watches = 524288' to /etc/sysctl.conf and rebooting
For more information, see http://wiki.linuxaudio.org/wiki/system_configuration#sysctlconf
Checking access to the high precision event timer... not found - not good
/dev/hpet not found.
Checking access to the real-time clock... not found - not good
/dev/rtc not found (perhaps create a symlink?).
Checking whether you're in the 'audio' group... yes - good
Checking for multiple 'audio' groups... no - good
Checking the ability to prioritize processes with chrt... yes - good
Checking kernel support for high resolution timers... found - good
Kernel with Real-Time Preemption... not found - not good
Kernel without real-time capabilities found
For more information, see http://wiki.linuxaudio.org/wiki/system_configuration#installing_a_real-time_kernel
Checking if kernel system timer is set to 1000 hz... not found - not good
Try setting CONFIG_HZ to 1000 

Checking kernel support for tickless timer... found - good
== Other checks ==
Checking filesystem types... ok.
** Set $SOUND_CARD_IRQ to the IRQ of your soundcard to enable more checks.
   Find your sound card's IRQ by looking at '/proc/interrupts' and lspci.

Raspbian wheezy pi2

Version d'origine sans overclock

pi@raspberrypi  cat /proc/version 
Linux version 3.18.11-v7+ (dc4@dc4-XPS13-9333) (gcc version 4.8.3 20140303 (prerelease) (crosstool-NG linaro-1.13.1+bzr2650 - Linaro GCC 2014.03) ) #781 SMP PREEMPT Tue Apr 21 18:07:59 BST 2015


Test avec SooperLooper 3 pistes, jack : 128 échantillons, 44100 Hz, 3 périodes/tampon
SooperLooper : got Xrun après environ une minute de test

pi@raspberrypi ~ $ sudo cyclictest -a -t -n -p99
# /dev/cpu_dma_latency set to 0us
policy: fifo: loadavg: 1.61 0.77 0.38 2/218 3923          

T: 0 ( 3910) P:99 I:1000 C:  94273 Min:     15 Act:   24 Avg:   45 Max:     867
T: 1 ( 3911) P:99 I:1500 C:  62852 Min:     17 Act:   26 Avg:   36 Max:     364
T: 2 ( 3912) P:99 I:2000 C:  47139 Min:     15 Act:   18 Avg:   31 Max:     421
T: 3 ( 3913) P:99 I:2500 C:  37711 Min:     15 Act:   29 Avg:   35 Max:     362
pi@raspberrypi ~ $ sudo cyclictest -l1000000 -m -n -a0 -t1 -p99 -i400 -h400 -q
# /dev/cpu_dma_latency set to 0us
# Histogram

# Total: 000249828
# Min Latencies: 00014
# Avg Latencies: 00036
# Max Latencies: 00730
# Histogram Overflows: 00088
# Histogram Overflow at cycle number:
# Thread 0: 09404 44073 44392 44551 44630 44869 44908 44988 44989 45025  225464 225760 226073 226682 227131 227653 228740 229146 229241 229244  229416 229797 229801 229893 229954 230007 230010 230071 230186 230275 230368 230467 230487 230545 230563 230680 230757 230916 231005 231099 231103 231195 231236 231332 231579 231713 232099 232959 233891 233892 234087 234464 234614 234621 236152 237379 237733 237818 237987 238038 238040 238078 238142 238236 238330 238474 238691 239425 239515 239608 239723 239726 240186 240189 240353 240467 241170 241259 241349 241539 241596 241630 241633 241724 241873 241907 241971 242005


pi@raspberrypi ~/realtimeconfigquickscan $ perl ./realTimeConfigQuickScan.pl
== GUI-enabled checks ==
Checking if you are root... no - good
Checking filesystem 'noatime' parameter... 3.18.11 kernel - good
(relatime is default since 2.6.30)
Checking CPU Governors... CPU 0: 'powersave' CPU 1: 'powersave' CPU 2: 'powersave' CPU 3: 'powersave'  - not good
Set CPU Governors to 'performance' with 'cpufreq-set -c <cpunr> -g performance'
See also: http://linuxmusicians.com/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=844
Checking swappiness... 1 - good
Checking for resource-intensive background processes... none found - good
Checking checking sysctl inotify max_user_watches... < 524288 - not good
increase max_user_watches by adding 'fs.inotify.max_user_watches = 524288' to /etc/sysctl.conf and rebooting
For more information, see http://wiki.linuxaudio.org/wiki/system_configuration#sysctlconf
Checking access to the high precision event timer... not found - not good
/dev/hpet not found.
Checking access to the real-time clock... not found - not good
/dev/rtc not found (perhaps create a symlink?).
Checking whether you're in the 'audio' group... yes - good
Checking for multiple 'audio' groups... no - good
Checking the ability to prioritize processes with chrt... yes - good
Checking kernel support for high resolution timers... found - good
Kernel with Real-Time Preemption... not found - not good
Kernel without real-time capabilities found
For more information, see http://wiki.linuxaudio.org/wiki/system_configuration#installing_a_real-time_kernel
Checking if kernel system timer is set to 1000 hz... not found - not good
Try setting CONFIG_HZ to 1000

Checking kernel support for tickless timer... found - good
== Other checks ==
Checking filesystem types... ok.
not found.
** Warning: no tmpfs partition mounted on /tmp
  For more information, see:
  - http://wiki.linuxaudio.org/wiki/system_configuration#tmpfs
  - http://lowlatency.linuxaudio.org
** Set $SOUND_CARD_IRQ to the IRQ of your soundcard to enable more checks.
  Find your sound card's IRQ by looking at '/proc/interrupts' and lspci.

RaspbianWheezy + modifs ccrma pi2

Comparaison wheezy/ccrma

Le /boot de la CCRMA-Satellite est identique à la Raspbian-Wheezy de base à part quelques modifications des fichiers cmdline.txt et config.txt et l'ajout de os_config.json.

  • /boot/cmdline.txt : En gras ce qui est ajouté sur la version CCRMA
dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 console=ttyAMA0,115200 console=tty1 root=/dev/mmcblk0p6 rootfstype=ext4 elevator=deadline rootwait fastboot noswap cgroup_enable=memory

Pour comprendre les options de boot c'est par

  • /etc/rc.local :il à aussi d'autres réglages dans le rc.local
sudo apt-get install cpufrequtils

modifier rc.local

cpufreq-set -g performance
swapoff -a


pi@raspberrypi ~/realtimeconfigquickscan $ perl ./realTimeConfigQuickScan.pl
== GUI-enabled checks ==
Checking if you are root... no - good
Checking filesystem 'noatime' parameter... 3.18.11 kernel - good
(relatime is default since 2.6.30)
Checking CPU Governors... CPU 0: 'performance' CPU 1: 'performance' CPU 2:  'performance' CPU 3: 'performance'  - good
Checking swappiness... 1 - good
Checking for resource-intensive background processes... none found - good
Checking checking sysctl inotify max_user_watches... < 524288 - not good
increase max_user_watches by adding 'fs.inotify.max_user_watches = 524288' to /etc/sysctl.conf and rebooting
For more information, see http://wiki.linuxaudio.org/wiki/system_configuration#sysctlconf
Checking access to the high precision event timer... not found - not good
/dev/hpet not found.
Checking access to the real-time clock... not found - not good
/dev/rtc not found (perhaps create a symlink?).
Checking whether you're in the 'audio' group... yes - good
Checking for multiple 'audio' groups... no - good
Checking the ability to prioritize processes with chrt... yes - good
Checking kernel support for high resolution timers... found - good
Kernel with Real-Time Preemption... not found - not good
Kernel without real-time capabilities found
For more information, see  http://wiki.linuxaudio.org/wiki/system_configuration#installing_a_real-time_kernel
Checking if kernel system timer is set to 1000 hz... not found - not good
Try setting CONFIG_HZ to 1000

Checking kernel support for tickless timer... found - good
== Other checks ==
Checking filesystem types... ok.
not found.
** Warning: no tmpfs partition mounted on /tmp
   For more information, see:
  - http://wiki.linuxaudio.org/wiki/system_configuration#tmpfs
  - http://lowlatency.linuxaudio.org
** Set $SOUND_CARD_IRQ to the IRQ of your soundcard to enable more checks.
  Find your sound card's IRQ by looking at '/proc/interrupts' and lspci.


pi@raspberrypi  $ sudo cyclictest -a -t -n -p99
# /dev/cpu_dma_latency set to 0us
policy: fifo: loadavg: 0.62 0.71 0.64 2/223 2689          

T: 0 ( 2686) P:99 I:1000 C:  30154 Min:     11 Act:   20 Avg:   33 Max:     396
T: 1 ( 2687) P:99 I:1500 C:  20103 Min:     11 Act:   26 Avg:   26 Max:     136
T: 2 ( 2688) P:99 I:2000 C:  15077 Min:     11 Act:   17 Avg:   28 Max:     136
T: 3 ( 2689) P:99 I:2500 C:  12061 Min:     12 Act:   19 Avg:   24 Max:      98
pi@raspberrypi  $ sudo cyclictest -l1000000 -m -n -a0 -t1 -p99 -i400 -h400 -q
# /dev/cpu_dma_latency set to 0us
# Histogram
# Total: 001000000
# Min Latencies: 00009
# Avg Latencies: 00022
# Max Latencies: 00311
# Histogram Overflows: 00000
# Histogram Overflow at cycle number:
# Thread 0:



Pas moyen de lancer jack pour le moment, affaire à suivre...

Compilation du noyau depuis la pi



Test à partir d'une image minibian 2015-11-12-jessie-minibian

  • voir par ici pour les configurations de bases

Installer les dépendances

sudo apt-get install git bc libncurses5-dev gcc make screen ncurses-dev

Obtenir les sources

git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/raspberrypi/linux

Configuration du noyau

  • A partir du noyau actuel
zcat /proc/config.gz > ./.config
  • A partir de la configuration par défaut du raspberry

pour pi2

make bcm2709_defconfig

pour les autres pi

make bcmrpi_defconfig

Configurer les options du noyau

avec une interface pas très simple à naviguer

make menuconfig


ou une interface plus feng shui

make nconfig

puis sauvegarder les modifications comme .config

  • Sources :


Compiler le nouveau noyau

  • Compilation (compter ~1h30 pour une pi2)
make -j4 

(-j4) pour utiliser 4 processus en même temps ou bien pour créer un paquet (pas encore tester)

make -j4 deb-pkg
  • Créer l'image du noyau et compiler les modules
make -j4 zImage modules dtbs
sudo make modules_install

Copier le nouveau noyau

sudo cp arch/arm/boot/dts/*.dtb /boot/
sudo cp arch/arm/boot/dts/overlays/*.dtb* /boot/overlays/
sudo cp arch/arm/boot/dts/overlays/README /boot/overlays/
sudo scripts/mkknlimg arch/arm/boot/zImage /boot/kernel-rt.img

Configurer le bootloader et tester le nouveau noyau

  • Éditer config.txt
sudo nano /boot/config.txt

et ajouter

  • Éditer cmdline.txt et ajouter en début de ligne
sudo nano /etc/cmdline.txt
sdhci_bcm2708.enable_llm=0 dwc_otg.speed=1
  • Redémarrer et test de version
sudo reboot
pi@minibian:~$ cat /proc/version 
Linux version 4.1.17-v7+ (pi@minibian) (gcc version 4.9.2 (Raspbian 4.9.2-10) ) #1 SMP Tue Feb 16 23:22:53 GMT 2016

En cas d'erreurs

  • Initialise la compilation mais garde le .config
make clean
  • Initialise la compilation et supprime le .config
make mrproper

Patchage du noyau

Télécharger le patch temps réel

  • Il faut tout d'abord connaitre la version actuellement installer sur la pi
head Makefile -n 3
uname -r
  • Chercher par ici
  • puis télécharger le patch correspondant
wget https://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/projects/rt/4.1/older/patch-4.1.7-rt8.patch.gz
gunzip patch*

Appliquer le patch

cat patch-4.1.7-rt8.patch | patch -p1



