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 * Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation   
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or   
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License   
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2   
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.   
 * See file LICENSE for further informations on licensing terms.   
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,   
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of   
 * GNU General Public License for more details.   
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License   
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,   
 * Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.   
 * -----------------------------------------------------------   
 * Firmata, the general purpose sensorbox firmware for Arduino   
 * -----------------------------------------------------------   
 * Firmata turns the Arduino into a Plug-n-Play sensorbox, servo   
 * controller, and/or PWM motor/lamp controller.   
 * It was originally designed to work with the Pd object [arduino]   
 * which is included in Pd-extended.  This firmware is intended to   
 * work with any host computer software package.  It can easily be   
 * used with other programs like Max/MSP, Processing, or whatever can   
 * do serial communications.   
 * @author: Hans-Christoph Steiner <>   
 *   help with initial protocol redesign: Jamie Allen <>   
 *   much protocol discussion: the Arduino developers mailing list   
 *   key bugfixes: Georg Holzmann <>   
 *                 Gerda Strobl <>   
 * @date: 2006-05-19   
 * @locations: STEIM, Amsterdam, Netherlands   
 *             IDMI/Polytechnic University, Brookyn, NY, USA   
 *             Electrolobby Ars Electronica, Linz, Austria   
 * TODO: add pulseOut functionality for servos   
 * TODO: add software PWM for servos, etc (servo.h or pulse.h)   
 * TODO: add device type reporting (i.e. some firmwares will use the Firmata   
 *       protocol, but will only support specific devices, like ultrasound    
 *       rangefinders or servos)   
 * TODO: use Program Control to load stored profiles from EEPROM   
 /* cvs version: $Id: Pd_firmware.pde,v 1.29 2007/03/08 05:37:22 eighthave Exp $ */  
 /* svn version: 334 */ 
 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------   
 * This protocol uses the MIDI message format, but does not use the whole   
 * protocol.  Most of the command mappings here will not be directly usable in   
 * terms of MIDI controllers and synths.  It should co-exist with MIDI without   
 * trouble and can be parsed by standard MIDI interpreters.  Just some of the   
 * message data is used differently.   
 * MIDI format:   
 *                              MIDI          
 * type                command  channel    first byte            second byte    
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------   
 * analog I/O            0xE0   pin #      LSB(bits 0-6)         MSB(bits 7-13)   
 * digital I/O           0x90   port base  LSB(bits 0-6)         MSB(bits 7-13)   
 * report analog pin     0xC0   pin #      disable/enable(0/1)   - n/a -   
 * report digital ports  0xD0   port base  disable/enable(0/1)   - n/a -   
 * digital pin mode(I/O) 0xF4   - n/a -    pin # (0-63)          pin state(0=in)   
 * firmware version      0xF9   - n/a -    minor version         major version   
 * system reset          0xFF   - n/a -    - n/a -               - n/a -   
 /* proposed extensions using SysEx   
 * type      SysEx start  command  data bytes                         SysEx stop   
 * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------   
 * pulse I/O   0xF0        0xA0   five 7-bit chunks, LSB first             0xF7    
 * shiftOut    0xF0        0xF5   dataPin; clockPin; 7-bit LSB; 7-bit MSB  0xF7   
 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------   
 /* two byte digital data format   
 * ----------------------------   
 * 0  digital data, 0x90-0x9F, (MIDI NoteOn, but different data usage)   
 * 1  digital pins 0-6 bitmask   
 * 2  digital pins 7-13 bitmask    
 /* analog 14-bit data format   
 * -------------------------   
 * 0  analog pin, 0xE0-0xEF, (MIDI Pitch Wheel)   
 * 1  analog least significant 7 bits   
 * 2  analog most significant 7 bits   
 /* version report format   
 * Send a single byte 0xF9, Arduino will reply with:   
 * -------------------------------------------------   
 * 0  version report header (0xF9) (MIDI Undefined)   
 * 1  minor version (0-127)   
 * 2  major version (0-127)   
 /* pulseIn/Out (uses 32-bit value)   
 * -------------------------------   
 * 0  START_SYSEX (0xF0) (MIDI System Exclusive)   
 * 1  pulseIn/Out (0xA0-0xAF)   
 * 2  bits 0-6 (least significant byte)   
 * 3  bits 7-13   
 * 4  bits 14-20   
 * 5  bits 21-27   
 * 6  bits 28-34 (most significant byte)   
 * 7  END_SYSEX (0xF7) (MIDI End of SysEx - EOX)   
 /* shiftIn/Out (uses 8-bit value)   
 * ------------------------------   
 * 0  START_SYSEX (0xF0)   
 * 1  shiftOut (0xF5)   
 * 2  dataPin (0-127)   
 * 3  clockPin (0-127)   
 * 4  bits 0-6 (least significant byte)   
 * 5  bit 7 (most significant bit)   
 * 6  END_SYSEX (0xF7)   
 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------   
 /* set digital pin mode   
 * --------------------   
 * 1  set digital pin mode (0xF4) (MIDI Undefined)   
 * 2  pin number (0-127)   
 * 3  state (INPUT/OUTPUT, 0/1)   
 /* toggle analogIn reporting by pin   
 * --------------------------------   
 * 0  toggle digitalIn reporting (0xC0-0xCF) (MIDI Program Change)   
 * 1  disable(0)/enable(non-zero)    
 /* toggle digitalIn reporting by port pairs   
 * ----------------------------------------   
 * 0  toggle digitalIn reporting (0xD0-0xDF) (MIDI Aftertouch)   
 * 1  disable(0)/enable(non-zero)    
 /* request version report   
 * ----------------------   
 * 0  request version report (0xF9) (MIDI Undefined)   
 * MACROS   
 /* Version numbers for the protocol.  The protocol is still changing, so these   
 * version numbers are important.  This number can be queried so that host   
 * software can test whether it will be compatible with the currently   
 * installed firmware. */ 
#define FIRMATA_MAJOR_VERSION   1 // for non-compatible changes 
#define FIRMATA_MINOR_VERSION   0 // for backwards compatible changes 
/* total number of pins currently supported */   
#define TOTAL_ANALOG_PINS       6 
#define TOTAL_DIGITAL_PINS      14 
// for comparing along with INPUT and OUTPUT 
#define PWM                     2 
// for selecting digital inputs 
#define PB  2  // digital input, pins 8-13 
#define PC  3  // analog input port 
#define PD  4  // digital input, pins 0-7 
#define MAX_DATA_BYTES 2 // max number of data bytes in non-SysEx messages 
/* message command bytes */ 
#define DIGITAL_MESSAGE         0x90 // send data for a digital pin 
#define ANALOG_MESSAGE          0xE0 // send data for an analog pin (or PWM) 
//#define PULSE_MESSAGE           0xA0 // proposed pulseIn/Out message (SysEx) 
//#define SHIFTOUT_MESSAGE        0xB0 // proposed shiftOut message (SysEx) 
#define REPORT_ANALOG_PIN       0xC0 // enable analog input by pin # 
#define REPORT_DIGITAL_PORTS    0xD0 // enable digital input by port pair 
#define START_SYSEX             0xF0 // start a MIDI SysEx message 
#define SET_DIGITAL_PIN_MODE    0xF4 // set a digital pin to INPUT or OUTPUT  
#define END_SYSEX               0xF7 // end a MIDI SysEx message 
#define REPORT_VERSION          0xF9 // report firmware version 
#define SYSTEM_RESET            0xFF // reset from MIDI 
/* input message handling */ 
byte waitForData = 0; // this flag says the next serial input will be data 
byte executeMultiByteCommand = 0; // execute this after getting multi-byte data 
byte multiByteChannel = 0; // channel data for multiByteCommands 
byte storedInputData[MAX_DATA_BYTES] = {0,0}; // multi-byte data 
/* digital pins */ 
boolean digitalInputsEnabled = false; // output digital inputs or not 
int digitalInputs; 
int previousDigitalInputs; // previous output to test for change 
int digitalPinStatus = 3; // bitwise array to store pin status, ignore RxTx pins 
/* PWM/analog outputs */ 
int pwmStatus = 0; // bitwise array to store PWM status 
/* analog inputs */ 
unsigned int analogPinsToReport = 0; // bitwise array to store pin reporting 
int analogPin = 0; // counter for reading analog pins 
int analogData; // storage variable for data from analogRead() 
/* timer variables */ 
extern volatile unsigned long timer0_overflow_count; // timer0 from wiring.c 
unsigned long nextExecuteTime; // for comparison with timer0_overflow_count 
 * FUNCTIONS                                                                   
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------   
 * output the version message to the serial port  */ 
void printVersion() {   
  Serial.print(REPORT_VERSION, BYTE);   
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------   
 * output digital bytes received from the serial port  */ 
void outputDigitalBytes(byte pin0_6, byte pin7_13) {   
  int i;   
  int mask;   
  int twoBytesForPorts;   
// this should be converted to use PORTs   
  twoBytesForPorts = pin0_6 + (pin7_13 << 7);   
  for(i=2; i<TOTAL_DIGITAL_PINS; ++i) { // ignore Rx,Tx pins (0 and 1)   
    mask = 1 << i;   
    if( (digitalPinStatus & mask) && !(pwmStatus & mask) ) {   
      digitalWrite(i, twoBytesForPorts & mask ? HIGH : LOW);   
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------   
 * check all the active digital inputs for change of state, then add any events   
 * to the Serial output queue using Serial.print() */ 
void checkDigitalInputs(void) {   
  if(digitalInputsEnabled) { 
	previousDigitalInputs = digitalInputs; 
	digitalInputs = PINB << 8;  // get pins 8-13 
	digitalInputs += PIND;      // get pins 0-7 
	digitalInputs = digitalInputs &~ digitalPinStatus; // ignore pins set OUTPUT 
	if(digitalInputs != previousDigitalInputs) { 
	  // TODO: implement more ports as channels for more than 16 digital pins 
	  Serial.print(digitalInputs % 128, BYTE); // Tx pins 0-6 
	  Serial.print(digitalInputs >> 7, BYTE);  // Tx pins 7-13 
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
/* sets the pin mode to the correct state and sets the relevant bits in the   
 * two bit-arrays that track Digital I/O and PWM status   
void setPinMode(byte pin, byte mode) {   
  if(pin > 1) { // ignore RxTx pins (0,1) 
	if(mode == INPUT) { 
	  digitalPinStatus = digitalPinStatus &~ (1 << pin); 
	  pwmStatus = pwmStatus &~ (1 << pin); 
	  digitalWrite(pin,LOW); // turn off pin before switching to INPUT 
	else if(mode == OUTPUT) { 
	  digitalPinStatus = digitalPinStatus | (1 << pin); 
	  pwmStatus = pwmStatus &~ (1 << pin); 
	else if( mode == PWM ) { 
	  digitalPinStatus = digitalPinStatus | (1 << pin); 
	  pwmStatus = pwmStatus | (1 << pin); 
  // TODO: save status to EEPROM here, if changed   
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
/* sets bits in a bit array (int) to toggle the reporting of the analogIns   
void setAnalogPinReporting(byte pin, byte state) {   
  if(state == 0) {   
    analogPinsToReport = analogPinsToReport &~ (1 << pin);   
  else { // everything but 0 enables reporting of that pin   
    analogPinsToReport = analogPinsToReport | (1 << pin);   
  // TODO: save status to EEPROM here, if changed 
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------   
 * processInput() is called whenever a byte is available on the   
 * Arduino's serial port.  This is where the commands are handled. */ 
void processInput(int inputData) {   
  int command;   
  // a few commands have byte(s) of data following the command   
  if( (waitForData > 0) && (inputData < 128) ) {     
    storedInputData[waitForData] = inputData;   
    if( (waitForData==0) && executeMultiByteCommand ) { // got the whole message   
      switch(executeMultiByteCommand) {   
      case ANALOG_MESSAGE: 
		(storedInputData[0] << 7) + storedInputData[1] );   
      case DIGITAL_MESSAGE: 
		outputDigitalBytes(storedInputData[1], storedInputData[0]); //(LSB, MSB) 
		setPinMode(storedInputData[1], storedInputData[0]); // (pin#, mode) 
		if(storedInputData[0] == INPUT)  
		  digitalInputsEnabled = true; // enable reporting of digital inputs   
      case REPORT_ANALOG_PIN: 
		// TODO: implement MIDI channel as port base for more than 16 digital inputs 
		if(storedInputData[0] == 0) 
		  digitalInputsEnabled = false; 
		  digitalInputsEnabled = true;   
      executeMultiByteCommand = 0;   
  } else {   
    // remove channel info from command byte if less than 0xF0   
    if(inputData < 0xF0) {   
      command = inputData & 0xF0; 
	  multiByteChannel = inputData & 0x0F;   
    } else {   
      command = inputData; 
	  // commands in the 0xF* range don't use channel data   
    switch (command) { // TODO: these needs to be switched to command   
    case ANALOG_MESSAGE:   
    case DIGITAL_MESSAGE:   
      waitForData = 2; // two data bytes needed   
      executeMultiByteCommand = command;   
    case REPORT_ANALOG_PIN:   
      waitForData = 1; // two data bytes needed   
      executeMultiByteCommand = command;   
    case SYSTEM_RESET:   
      // this doesn't do anything yet   
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------   
 * this function checks to see if there is data waiting on the serial port    
 * then processes all of the stored data   
void checkForSerialReceive() {   
// ============================================================================= 
// used for flashing the pin for the version number 
void pin13strobe(int count, int onInterval, int offInterval) {   
  byte i;   
  pinMode(13, OUTPUT);   
  for(i=0; i<count; i++) {   
 * SETUP()   
void setup() {   
  byte i;  
  Serial.begin(57600); // 9600, 14400, 38400, 57600, 115200  
  // flash the pin 13 with the protocol version   
  pin13strobe(2,1,4); // separator, a quick burst   
  pin13strobe(FIRMATA_MAJOR_VERSION, 200, 400);   
  pin13strobe(2,1,4); // separator, a quick burst   
  pin13strobe(FIRMATA_MINOR_VERSION, 200, 400);   
  pin13strobe(2,1,4); // separator, a quick burst  
  for(i=0; i<TOTAL_DIGITAL_PINS; ++i) {   
  // TODO: load state from EEPROM here  
  /* TODO: send digital inputs here, if enabled, to set the initial state on the   
   * host computer, since once in the loop(), the Arduino will only send data on   
   * change. */ 
 * LOOP()   
void loop() { 
/* DIGITALREAD - as fast as possible, check for changes and output them to the   
 * FTDI buffer using Serial.print()  */   
  unsigned long m = millis();   
  if (m > nextExecuteTime) {   
    nextExecuteTime = m + 19; // run this every 20ms    
 // run this every 20ms 
	/* SERIALREAD - uses a 128 byte circular buffer, so handle 
	 * all serialReads at once, i.e. empty the buffer */ 
	/* SEND FTDI WRITE BUFFER - make sure that the FTDI buffer doesn't go over 
	 * 60 bytes. use a timer to sending an event character every 4 ms to 
	 * trigger the buffer to dump. */ 
	/* ANALOGREAD - right after the event character, do all of the 
	 * analogReads().  These only need to be done every 4ms. */ 
	for(analogPin=0;analogPin<TOTAL_ANALOG_PINS;analogPin++) { 
	  if( analogPinsToReport & (1 << analogPin) ) { 
		analogData = analogRead(analogPin); 
		Serial.print(ANALOG_MESSAGE + analogPin, BYTE); 
		// These two bytes converted back into the 10-bit value on host 
		Serial.print(analogData % 128, BYTE); 
		Serial.print(analogData >> 7, BYTE);  